Developmental Ministry Goals and Key Outcomes
from 2U Developmental Ministry Application, December 2015
A longtime goal of the church has been to grow and become a beacon of liberal religion in Omaha. Growth should not only be numeric but should include personal growth of the individual members and organizational growth to improve the value of the church to its members, staff and volunteers and to the city as a whole. Many of us have grown personally through our association with this community and the organization continues to evolve, but numerically, our membership has stayed the same. A symptom of being “stuck” is a membership between 115-135 consistently for over 10 years.
Our aspirations are to develop a vibrant, innovative and exciting church environment that attracts and retains young and older persons, including families, persons of color, those of diverse ethnic backgrounds, gender identities and sexual orientations. We envision a congregation that fosters the connection of those persons with each other and the community at large to carry out dynamic programs that exemplify our Unitarian Universalist values to transform our local area and the world at large.
2U Developmental Goals & Key Outcomes
Developed by the Board of Trustees, March 2017
2U has a clear and shared idea of our identity as Unitarian Universalists in this time and place
- The Board of Trustees and church leaders maintain their clarity of church identity.
- Our identity drives the determination and fulfillment of the purpose of the congregation.
- Our culture, organizational structure, programs, worship, and activities reflect and are grounded in our identity.
- Our church name reflects our identity as Unitarian Universalists.
- Because we act on our identity, the church is recognized in the larger community as a UU liberal religious faith community.
- Our culture of right relationship is apparent in how we are together and is central to our understanding of our identity.
- Our building and spaces reflect our understanding and practice of being UU:
- Accessible to all
- Inviting and welcoming
- 7 Principles apparent in structure & function
- Our worship celebrates and reflects our diversity of all kinds, while emphasizing our essential unity
2U is a welcoming and engaging congregation for newcomers and members
- Newcomers and members are excited and enthusiastic about belonging to 2U
- Newcomers and members want to join in on the 2U mission
- Newcomers and members have connection and good relationships at 2U
- Newcomers and members have personal and spiritual growth at 2U
- As a congregation, 2U is diverse, multicultural and multigenerational
- Our worship celebrates and reflects our diversity of all kinds, while emphasizing our essential unity
- Our worship strengthens and affirms our mutual bonds of love, relationship and covenant
- Our building and spaces reflect our understanding and practice of being UU:
- Accessible to all
- Inviting and welcoming
- 7 principles apparent in structure & function
2U has an organizational and physical structure that is appropriate for and responsive to our vision for the future
- Our structure reflects the identity, purpose and covenants of the church and continually moves the congregation forward in its development.
- More people will be engaged in doing manageable tasks that appeal to different kinds of people
- Members experience various ministries as engaging, energizing and spiritually fulfilling.
- Our structure supports a more intentional, focused and coordinated presence in the wider community.
- Our culture of right relationship is apparent in how we are together and is central to our understanding of our identity.
- Our structure stimulates new ideas and the application of new ideas.
- Our structure reflects a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, and of what is essential.
- Our building and spaces reflect our understanding and practice of being UU:
- Accessible to all
- Inviting and welcoming
- 7 principles apparent in structure & function
2U engages in worship that activates and transforms spirit, mind and body
- Our worship presents diverse opportunities for inspiration, illumination, meaning and transformation
- Our worship is a time of solace and sanctuary
- Our worship celebrates and reflects our diversity of all kinds, while emphasizing our essential unity
- Our worship strengthens and affirms our mutual bonds of love, relationship and covenant
- Our worship affirms our worth and what we hold to be worthy
- Our worship calls and equips us to partner with others to change the world
See Also: Developmental Ministry Application – includes justifications for each of the above goals, submitted December 2015.