What Is a Good Trouble Congregation?

Good Trouble Congregations answer the call to organize their communities and engage in the multiple and necessary tactics that will help their communities. We are excited to share that our collective work qualifies our congregation as a 2024 Good Trouble Congregation!

This means that at Second Unitarian, we work to get in the way of injustice and get into Good Trouble to build a truly multiracial democracy. We are putting the work in to embody the values that propel our faith and communities towards a world where all communities thrive.

On January 28, UU the Vote held a special event to congratulate us and other Unitarian Universalist congregations for achieving Good Trouble status in 2024.

Verbiage: We are a proud 2024 Good Trouble Congregation. Includes logos for "Good Trouble Congregation" and "UU the Vote." Fireworks explode on the corners.

Our Good Trouble Accomplishments

Our Social Justice committee celebrates all the good work Second Unitarian accomplished in 2024 in the name of voter activism and election issue education.

  • Twenty percent of the congregation turned out at the OTOC Candidate Accountability Session in October.
  • The church held voter registration at public events on Fundamental Right to Abortion, Paid Sick Leave Initiative, and Stop Public Money going to Private Schools, as well as the Ballot Initiative education session, which was attended by 44 people.
  • Members collected signatures for Fundamental Right to Abortion petition; Stop Public Money Going to Private Schools (two petitions); Paid Sick Leave for part-time workers petition.
  • Four members were poll workers; three were poll observers.
  • Individual members worked to distribute ballot initiative campaign signs, mailed postcards, and volunteered at ballot initiative events and offices.
  • 2U was the site of multiple drive-through petition signings.
  • 2U shared its plate in July and August with Civic Nebraska, a nonprofit civic rights and voter advocacy organization, raising $979.68 for the organization.
  • 2U hosted state and national ACLU officials shortly before the election. They discussed the work they have done and strategies they were preparing for election outcomes.

And this is just what the Social Justice committee is aware of! To all our members and friends who supported the democratic process, we thank you!

Explore More

View more about our Social Justice Committee’s work to learn about the many ways 2U takes action to create a more loving, just world.