Friends United/Amigos Unidos – January & February Share the Plate

Every month, Second Unitarian shares 1/2 of our offering with a local non-profit. Our share the Plate for January and February is Friends United/Amigos Unidos.

The Friends United program began in 1987 when three teachers from Independence, Missouri traveled to Honduras to visit a school whose students had corresponded as pen-pals. The teachers in that small village had little or no training in the skills of teaching. From that visit, a not-for-profit organization that would develop teacher training programs for the teachers of Honduras was born.

Since that humble beginning, Friends United has organized and presented educational workshops for thousands of teachers in Honduras using the expertise of volunteers from the United States. Besides seminars, gifts of supplies and small libraries are part of the program. The teaching methods emphasize the creative use of rudimentary materials which are commonly available in local communities. Friends United has also established a two week training and observations program courtesy of the public schools in Los Fresnos, Texas and several school districts in the Kansas City area which brings Honduran teachers to the United States to learn about new educational teaching methods.

Social Justice is the heart of our church, and every day, UUs show up. Please give generously to 2U’s Share the Plate offering to support Friends United/Amigos Unidos and our church. Mail checks to 2U at 3012 S. 119th Street, Omaha. Put “Share the Plate” in the memo line. OR try our online giving.