Climate Justice Revival – October 5th & 6th!

Second Unitarian is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice on October 5th and 6th, in church and on zoom. All of us will learn new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice and have the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments. The UU Climate Revival will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action – one that intentionally and faithfully breaks down silos and cultivates relationships that lead to flourishing collaborations that transform our congregations through climate justice. See more details at the UU Climate Justice Revival website and FAQs.


  • Day 1: October 5th from 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Facilitated dialogue with activities centered around relationship-building, collective visioning and charting a course. Light lunch kicks off the day; breaks will be built in!
  • Day 2: October 6th Climate Justice themed worship service at 10:30 a.m., followed by an organizing hour where we can learn more about how to turn our ideas into action, primarily through voting advocacy.

Sign up today by emailing Kristy Fennessy or Pam Miller-Jenkins. In-person attendees, please let us know of any dietary restrictions when signing up. If you need childcare to

attend, let us know this week. If joining by zoom, please register here.