We are blessed as human beings by the companionship of our more-than-human friends. The dog, the bird, the cat, the fish, the lizard, the ferret, the frog, you name it, whatever shape our friends take it is good and right to reflect on the gifts and lessons these feathered, finned, and otherwise fantastic fellows bring to our lives.
Saturday the 7th, all are invited to our annual blessing of the animals as we consider our own animal-ness and our interdependence with all manner of beings. We will meet by the Peace Carin.
We ask that participants practice good sense when choosing whether to bring their pets with them.
Being around a bunch of new smells and sights, other cats, dogs, etc. can be very exciting for our friends so it is important that we can safely restrain them. If you don’t feel comfortable bringing your friend with you, you may bring a picture or share one from your mobile device.