Every month Second Unitarian donates one half of our offering to a local non-profit organization. December’s Share the Plate recipient is the Siena Francis House.
Founded in 1975, the Siena Francis House’s ultimate goal is to end homelessness by helping our clients achieve permanent, stable housing out in the community. In support of this effort, Siena Francis House provides shelter, food, clothing and other emergency services to individuals experiencing homelessness – 24/7, 365 days a year. Siena Francis House also provides on-site, Permanent Supportive Housing for formerly homeless, disabled persons, as well as residential addiction rehabilitation services.
Please give generously to 2U’s Share the Plate offering to support The Siena Francis House and our church. Mail checks to 2U at 3012 S. 119th Street, 68144. Put “Share the Plate” in the memo line. OR try our online giving by clicking here.