These were among the matters the Board addressed at the May 19 meeting:
- Returning to the Building/Safety Task Force. The Board heard from Ed Bok about the work the Safety Task Force has been doing on safety issues and protocols for returning to the building safely. The date for a return to the building is still uncertain because of case numbers and completion of repairs/updates to the building. The Safety Task Force will be issuing a spreadsheet of protocols for each re-entry level (now on website)
- Chalice Lighter/Faithify grants. Work has begun on submitting a Chalice Light grant that would help pay to replace the church’s struggling HVAC system. A Faithify grant to help support an increase in DRE hours has not been started yet.
- Budget and town hall preparation. The Board reviewed and approved a budget to present to the congregation. An agenda for the May 22 Town Hall meeting was set and the Board will meet separately to go over logistics for another virtual annual meeting.
- Ministry: The Board was updated on the search process. The application is in; search team is waiting on the UUA.
- Church Mutual policy. Additional coverage to the church’s existing policy has been approved and is included in next year’s budget. Changes will increase the church’s liability protection and legal defense coverage.
Reminder: The annual meeting is June 12 at 10 a.m. via zoom.
The Board’s next meeting is June 16 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Any member of the church who is interested in attending a Board meeting should contact one of the members of the Board to receive an emailed Zoom meeting link. This year’s Board is: Sue Aschinger (Chairperson), Ed Bok (Vice Chairperson), Pam Curtiss-Smith, Dorothy Danielson, Pam Miller-Jenkins (Secretary) and Tom Peterson.