Fall RE Registration

It’s time to register for 2021 – 22 RE!! It’s difficult to say what RE is going to look like this year but we are going forth with Rev. Mary’s words in our hearts; It’s about connection, not perfection. You should register your kids for RE if….

  • you have kids aged 5 – 18 in your life and want them to learn and play with other UU kids
  • you have a teen who is missing out on making memories with their youth group
  • you want your kids to have experiences with UU’s of multiple generations
  • you want to enjoy family events and service projects
  • you have attended every virtual Sunday service
  • you have attended zero virtual Sunday services
  • you don’t want to get involved until we are back to in-person worship and learning
  • you and your kids are experiencing “Zoom fatigue”
  • you are invested in seeing our Religious Education program grow and thrive

Each year the registration numbers are reported to the UUA so it is important that we record all the children and youth of our congregation whether they want to be involved in everything, pop in every now and then, or simply show up just to check it out. It is important to register your family in order to keep up with lessons, events (once a month!) and changes (sure to be many) this year.


~ Ashleigh Fuson