Faith Connections

The Faith Connections Team, consisting of Cheri Cody, JoAnne Draper, Anita Jeck, Karen Hux, Clyde Anderson, Mary Rudy, Steve Abraham, Carolyn Miller and Pam Curtiss-Smith (plus other interested persons who have participated at varying levels) is moving forward with planning adult engagement and education programs for members and friends of 2U. We are finding an abundance of ideas and materials to fit our three focus areas – Loving Faith (spiritual development and faith formation), Loving Each Other (connecting with and relating to people in our lives) and Loving Mother Earth (environmental topics and our larger community issues) – through our conversations, local resources and the UUA website. Now the challenge is making it manageable and appealing to all of you! For that, we need some input – yes, another survey – and here is the link to the Google form. We certainly appreciate your time and effort in completing this 3 question survey to help guide us in planning opportunities and events that are most available and meaningful to YOU!


At this time, the team is pleased to announce the first Faith Connection opportunity to occur later in March. This (virtual of course) session will be structured to engage participants in learning and sharing of personal stories and knowledge, using the “UU 101” videos and curriculum as compiled by our own Membership committee. More information and the link to register for this opportunity will be included in next week’s enews column, so stay tuned!

~ Pam Curtiss-Smith