Thank you to those who participated in our May 22 Town Hall meeting. We were able to share and discuss key issues for our congregation. We appreciate all your questions and your ideas and for listening and learning in regard to our budget for the coming year and how that has directed our search for a part-time contract minister and funding our priority building needs. A subset of the Board has already met to form our priorities for readying our building to be able to slowly open our doors, according to the plan being finalized by our Safety Task Force II. We are focusing on those building needs critical to opening the doors for in person and virtual meetings and worship services. Watch for more information as we will need folks with particular expertise and skills to provide short term help. In addition, the Safety Task Force II is developing protocols for allowing folks to gather safely outdoors on our church property.
Please plan to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on Saturday, June 12 at 10:00. We require a quorum of 35% of the church membership in order for our vote to be validated. You may also request an absentee ballot from Pam Miller-Jenkins, Board Secretary if you are unable to attend the meeting. Your absentee vote is counted as long as there are no amendments to the published motions as sent out prior to the meeting. Before the meeting, members will receive the agenda with motions to approve and links to the final budget, slate of candidates, and GA delegates. Membership must have been validated at 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting and a financial contribution to be received and recorded at the church office by June 11.
Thank you,
Your Board of Trustees