These were among the matters the Board addressed in September:
- The Board has opted to apply for a minister through UUA’s “targeted ministry” program. This is a program in which a retired or semi-retired minister helps a congregation with specific goals for a short term, (two to six months). The Board has identified worship and spiritual direction as the needs a targeted minister would address. Nominations and leadership has been charged with putting together a search committee.
- A Personnel Committee needs to be re-formed. Anyone interested in helping serve on this important committee please contact Jaime or a Board member. Duties of the Personnel Committee are spelled out in the Standing Rules document on our website.
- The Board has moved to create a paid technology coordinator position. Duties and hours are still being ironed out (this is where a Personnel Committee would come in handy!), but the position is deemed necessary especially for virtual worship.
- The contractor who is building our bathrooms has alerted us to the deteriorating condition of the deck on the south entrance of the church. The Board has asked the contractor to delay rebuilding the ramp and the deck (which would be an additional expense, initially estimated at $15,000) until the Board and the congregation can determine how to pay for the new deck.
- The FCC asked the Board for an estimate of how long we would be in this building, to help plan future maintenance costs. Rather than state a fixed time, we believe we’ll be here for the foreseeable future. Upcoming meaning and purpose discussions will lead us to decisions on our building needs.
- Due to staff changes, the Board needed to make budget adjustments on salaries and related spending. New figures were discussed, agreed upon and sent back to the FCC.
- The Board revised the Minister’s Discretionary Fund policy to allow the Board Chair to sign checks from the fund in the absence of a minister. The Board also agreed that the Fund needs to be publicized more to the congregation during this time of heightened need.
- The Board approved three motions: to add General Malfeasance to the church insurance policy; to opt not to participate in payroll tax deferment; to purchase a second Zoom account for the Church.
The Board’s next meeting is October 21st at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Any member of the church who is interested in attending a Board meeting should contact one of the members of the Board to receive an emailed Zoom meeting link. This year’s Board is: Sue Aschinger (Chairperson), Ed Bok (Vice Chairperson), Pam Curtiss-Smith, Dorothy Danielson, Pam Miller-Jenkins (Secretary) and Tom Peterson.