Soul Matters is a small group ministry organized around ongoing and covenanted groups of 5 to 8 participants, led by trained members of our own congregation, following UUA “Soul Matters” materials.
Do you ever leave worship wishing for more? Well, these materials follow the monthly worship themes and provide activities that participants work through during the month and then bring together at the monthly meetings for thoughtful discussion. A Soul Matters group was piloted last year. That group is continuing, and we are adding an additional group this fall. The meetings of this new Soul Matters 2 group will be held the 3rd Thursday evening each month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the church, starting September 19th. This group will be led by Anita J. Participants are limited to members and you must register by contacting Anita. Child care is provided upon request at registration.
~ Anita J.