Perhaps you’ve wondered at times why religious congregations act as they do – the good, the bad, and the OMG aspects of church life. Believe it or not, a lot of what happens in congregations has to do with your human brain AND with the size of the congregation. Certain ways of doing things track with certain sizes of congregation. So sometimes, when challenging things happen in congregations, it’s not because they are bad people, doing bad things, with bad leaders and ministers. It’s because they are often struggling with a transition in church size and/or not functioning in a way that is appropriate to their size.
Understanding church size transition can help you understand EVERYTHING about living church life. Second Unitarian is and has been in a transition zone between sizes for years. This has contributed to your “stuckness” – the “stuckness” you mentioned in your developmental ministry application that brought me here. This is a one-session, three-hour class that includes lots of discussion and some small group work.
This class is for members and affiliates of our congregation only, and might be especially interesting to leaders. This class will be held on Saturday, April 13th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30. YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR PLANNING PURPOSES!! Please do this by emailing me and letting me know that you would like to participate and if you will need childcare while attending class – we will provide that, if you let us know. This class is limited to 30 people, and we need a minimum of 6 people to make it ‘work,’ given the discussion and group activities. Come and learn all the deep, dark secrets of what really goes on in religious communities – and why!
~ Reverend Cyndi Simpson