Volunteer to help out in Religious Education
- But I’m not a parent! We want to broaden the interaction of our adults with our kids while allowing parents more opportunity to attend services upstairs. After all, parents need to be spiritually fulfilled and recharged too!
- I don’t know how to relate to kids! You aren’t being asked to be hip, or cool, or chill. You are just asked to be yourself!
- I’m not a teacher! No you are not! And we aren’t asking you to be one. The lessons are planned; the materials are selected and laid out. The instructions for activities are right there for you. What you are being asked to do is join in! Make something new. Laugh along! Ask questions and be amazed by the answers!
- I don’t actually like kids! They are all whiny and noisy and messy! Uh – huh. And ALL old people smell funny, wear polyester and stand on their lawns with rakes while yelling at people to stay off their lawns.
You could begin to get to know someone you might never have talked to.
You could inspire.
You could BE inspired!
You could learn.
You could be taught.
Contact Molly to make a difference!