At this time we need to be, we are called to be:
- the beacon of hope within our own faith community and beyond.
- about hope and action vs helplessness and fear.
- welcoming at this critical time when people are searching for meaning and purpose, determining what that will look like and help each other deepen our faith.
- in conversation with each other, deepen our connections and to be connected in action.
- aware on the financial front.
How will we make this happen? Our First Hour Conversations are coming back! We invite and encourage everyone to join us on the following Sundays from 9 am-10 am in the Sanctuary (child care will be provided).
Date | Facilitators | Topics |
02/05 | Rev. Cyndi,
Pat Caffrey |
Post-Election Emotional Responses –A facilitated sharing of peoples’ emotional responses to the election |
02/12 | Rev. Cyndi |
Living Our Religious Identity as UUs – Participants will learn how to ground activist work in our UU principles. |
02/19 | Cheri Cody,
Pat Caffrey |
No-Holds-Barred – Brainstorm of Possible Post-Election Responses
02/26 | Packy Colgan – Nebraskans for Civic Reform
Jim Poleshuk |
How to Track Bills in the NE Legislature and Contact Your Senator Effectively – Presentation by Nebraskan’s for Civic Reform, a non-partisan advocacy group with a focus on civic engagement and education. |
03/05 | Post-Election Working Group |
Summarizing Results of Brainstorm: Next Steps – Coming together to assess where we are and clear about our forward direction |