from the Finance Coordinating Council
Please remember: Your 2017 donations to the Church must be received by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 27th to be recorded for the 2017 Tax Year!
The Tax Law just passed by Congress could have an impact on your tax deductions for charitable giving during 2018 and following years. The Tax Law will not eliminate the charitable deduction, but it may make it meaningless unless you can itemize more than $24,000 in deductions (for married couples). So donors facing this situation may wish to advance some of their 2018 contributions to the church in 2017 (by December 27th). However, Second Unitarian Church does not provide tax or legal advice. Since everyone’s tax situation is unique, please consult a qualified tax advisor or attorney for specific tax or legal advice.
By the end of January, the Treasurer will send you a summary of your 2017 recorded financial contributions. Please save this statement for your tax records. If you have any questions, please contact the Treasurer.