First Hour Discussions – April 9th, April 16th, May 14th, May 21st and May 28th
For Five Sunday mornings during First Hour, Reverend Cyndi will lead a class on Life’s 5 Big Questions. Historically, these questions always have been recognized by philosophers, sages, religious scholars and teachers as important to human beings. They are so important that entire fields of philosophy have developed to answer or prove each question. Every human being on the planet has answers to these questions, regardless of culture, education, language or any other personal quality or life circumstance. The answers may remain unarticulated or unconscious, but if asked, people will have answers to them. Many of us, though, have never been asked or asked ourselves what are our answers to these questions! That is what we will do in this class and we will share the answers with one another in discussion.
We will engage with one question in each session. You do not need to commit to or attend all the sessions.