What age group would you be interested in taking?
Young Adult or Adult OWL? We would like to offer this class (probably in the spring) but we would like to know which one has more demand. Young adult OWL is for those who are primarily still single. Adult OWL is for those who are older or partnered. However, this is not a set in stone rule! Please let Molly know your preference. Both are approximately 14 sessions.
Here is a small sample of what Young Adult OWL covers:
- Mind and Body
- Sexual Pleasure
- Exploring Gender
- Boundaries and Boundary Violations
- Sexual Fantasy and Variation
- Advocacy and Education
And here is a small sample of what Adult OWL covers:
- Sexual Attraction
- Sexuality and Communication
- Early, Developing and Committed Relationships
- Sexual Diversity
- Sexuality and Aging