Change is coming. Spring is on the way. The weather is beginning to change and we hope that it will steadily get warmer and brighter.
Gary Emenitove, Second Unitarian’s Office Administrator of seven years will be leaving 2U on March 3. He has done such an excellent job for the church and helped all of us in many ways. Just to name one, he has partnered with Kathy Bell to maintain and improve the current church website. He has done his best to keep me organized which is no mean feat! We don’t want him to leave without letting him know how much he has been appreciated. We will be celebrating Gary’s time with us and giving him a great sendoff after the service on March 20.
After a thorough search, we found the next Office Administrator right here at the church! Jaime Short will be taking over the position and in fact has already started. Jaime has all of the qualifications for the job plus she knows the congregation well. She has made many contributions to the church, especially to RGL, and has served on the Transition Team and Minister Search Committee and now she will be in a new role, a new relationship with everyone. I hope you will join me in welcoming her and in making her transition from member to staff a good one. One of the challenges of being a member in a paid staff role is the difficulty in attending services or events and being accosted by requests for office services. Knowing this, I hope you can assist Jaime by treating her strictly as another member when she is not officially in her OA role.
Hopefully, the Developmental Minister Search Committee will have some packets to look over from interested ministers soon if not already.
Our household (the Gillespie/Long household) is always in a state of flux. Last month our foster son, Pablo, was moved to a group home which better serves his needs right now. We are still looking forward to his graduation from high school in May. My wife, Jennifer, will be visiting us in Omaha the last week of March. She’s planning to bring her little dog ‘Lil’ with her.
Happy Spring!
Rev. Frieda