We will be offering OWL (Our Whole Lives) coming in January for children in grades 1-2 and 5-6. As with all our lifespan classes, this class is open to the entire community. You do not have to be a member of First or Second Unitarian Church for your child to attend these classes.
This curriculum, with trained facilitators, teaches children confidence when making decisions about their bodies, answers questions about development, and involves parents and families in discussions about values. If your child is in kindergarten or 4th grade, don’t fret! We will be offering the classes again before they age out!
We will be offering an informational parent/guardian meeting on Sunday, December 6, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again on Sunday, January 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. We will have soup (including a vegan soup). Feel free to bring some bread, salad or a dessert… or just yourself. We will have childcare during the meeting downstairs for the kids.
During this meeting, you will get a curriculum overview, including philosophy, goals and topics. We will have a calendar, including dates, times and topics, of the classes that start in January. And we will offer the three choices you and your child have to work through the curriculum. You will also get to see some of the materials your child will get to interact with in the course of the class.
Questions? Contact Molly Kliment-Jenkins, Director of Religious Education, at dre@2uomaha.org or 402-334-0537 ext. 112.