Even if you haven’t registered for the MidAmerica Regional Assembly in Topeka, you can watch several of the events through the weekend on your computer screen at home.
The Business Meeting of the MidAmerica Region
Coming to you from Bloomington, Indiana
Use this link: http://www.uubloomington.org/worship/livestream.html
Saturday, April 12
10:30-11:45 a.m. Central
MidAmerica Region Business meeting, led by President Bill Sasso
Other Events Throughout the Weekend
Coming to you from Topeka, Kansas
Watch live OR later at your convenience
Use this link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/midamerica-regional-assembly-2014
The Keynote Lecture by Paul Rasor
Saturday, April 12
8:45-10:15 a.m. Central
A performance by folksinger Ann Zimmerman of the theme song commissioned for the Assembly, followed by Dr. Paul Rasor, Virginia Wesleyan College, “Reclaiming Our Liberal Heritage and Embracing Our Hunger for Justice.”
Opening Celebration
Friday, April 11
7-10 p.m. Central
Opening Celebration in Topeka – welcome, music, banner parade, Kansas history.
Saturday Song Along and Worship Service
Saturday, April 12
7:45-9:15 p.m. Central
Sing along and worship service with sermon by Jim Coppoc, Sermon Contest winner.
Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 13
9:30-10:45 a.m. Central
Closing Worship in Topeka.