In his book, Savor, Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh writes, “We all have bad days when everything seems to go wrong. After such a long day, we feel tired, discouraged, and down. We might have an urge to have some comfort food – a pint of ice cream, say, or some chocolate chip cookies or a bag of chips. At times like these, it is best simply to return to our body through mindful breathing, cut off all external contact, and close the door of the senses. Following our breathing, we can collect our mind, body, and breath, and they will become one.”
Mindful breathing is a simple and basic skill that the Meditation Reincarnated group is always learning about and practicing. We are currently using the book Savor as a study tool.
Meditation Reincarnated meets in the church downstairs on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:45 p.m. to learn about and practice meditation. Both the book and our meditation practice are designed for everyone, whether monk or beginner. No previous meditation experience is necessary, and we invite you to come and check us out. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 23, and we will discuss chapter 7 of this book.
Even if you haven’t read any or all of the book, please feel free to come to our meeting, as there are plenty of beneficial things to discuss and learn.