Hunger for Justice
MidAmerica UUA Regional Assembly in Topeka, Kansas
The registration deadline for Regional Assembly is Monday, March 31. This is a final reminder about the Topeka gathering of the first MidAmerica UUA Regional Assembly, April 11-13, 2014. Please visit the MidAmerican UUA website and click on the Topeka Assembly button for more details and registration information. This is going to be a fabulous gathering of regional UUs with inspiration, worship, music, children’s and youth programming, education and fellowship for all.
Topeka Assembly Highlights
• Friday workshop on racial justice at the Brown v. Board National Historic Site
• Opening ceremony on Friday night with banner parade, video greeting from UUA President Peter Morales, song festival and vesper service
• Programming for elementary students and youth, which will include age-appropriate sessions at the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
• Opportunities for young adults to learn, socialize and worship together
• A keynote address (Arthur M. Judy Memorial Lecture) by the Rev. Paul Rasor, which will be live-streamed to the other assembly locations
• Nineteen workshops will be available including visits to the Brown v. Board National Historic Site and workshops on a variety of justice topics including literacy, sustainability, torture, equality, immigration, women empowerment, nonviolence, reproductive justice and much more
• A theme song titled “Bending Toward Justice” has been commissioned and written by Ann Zimmerman, a Kansas singer-songwriter. We will sing this wonderful song throughout the conference.
• Advocacy event with a march to the state capital carrying our banners and wearing our Standing on the Side of Love shirts in full view of the capital city
• For those interested in governance, there will be a live-streamed regional business meeting including delegates from all four assembly sites
• More group singing on Saturday night and a worship service highlighting the regional sermon contest winner
• Closing worship service on Sunday morning including the all-conference choir
For much more information and to register for the Assembly, visit the MidAmerica UUA website and click on the Hunger for Justice Topeka Assembly button.