Religious Education Starts October 6

Children will be welcomed for the first Sunday of Religious Education for the 2013-2014 church year this Sunday, Oct. 6th. Classes will be conducted by our volunteer teachers and supervised by members of the Lifespan Religious Growth & Learning committee or by our interim Director of Religious Education at both worship services. Registration cards are available in classrooms or in your Sunday Order of Service.

Classes at the 9:30 worship service include: “Stories About God” for ages 4-6 year old and “Holidays and Holy Days” for those in grades 2-5.

Classes at the 11:30 service are “Holidays and Holy Days” gr. 2-5 and a NEW class – “Amazing Grace” – for 6th-8th graders. Younger children attending the 11:30 service may remain with their parents, join the 2nd-5th graders or play in the nursery.
All children attend the beginning of the worship service before going to the lower level classrooms. We look forward to the start of this year’s classes!