Meditation Reincarnated is studying Savor by Thich Nhat Hanh. This book deals will mindful – and mindless – eating. How often do we eat our food while juggling tasks on our to-do list or while watching TV? How often do we shovel food into our mouths without enjoying it, without savoring it? Thich Nhat Hanh guides us with thoughts and practices to improve our eating habits and help us truly taste and enjoy our food. Please join us as we continue this book.
Meditation Reincarnated meets in the church downstairs on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:45 p.m. Our next meeting is on Thursday, October 24, and we will discuss chapter 4 of this book and learn about and practice meditation. Both the book and our meditation practice are designed for everyone, whether monk or beginner. No previous meditation experience is necessary, so please come and check us out.