Chalica 2022

Chalica is fast-approaching! For those of you who don’t know or may have forgotten…

Chalica is a week-long celebration of our Unitarian Universalist Principles. The holiday first emerged in 2005 out of a wish to have a holiday organized around Unitarian Universalist values.

Chalica begins on the first Monday in December and lasts seven days. Each day, a chalice is lit and the day is spent reflecting on the meaning of that day’s principle and doing a good deed that honors that principle. Not all Unitarian Universalists celebrate Chalica, but it has a growing following.

For the past two years we have recognized Chalica in nightly vespers services on Zoom. This year is going to be different! Some congregations actually celebrate Chalica for 7 weeks instead of 7 days – presumably to do a series of sermons on the principles. We will be recognizing Chalica for 7 weeks this year during our weekly Time For All Ages, beginning on November 13th.

Each week we will light a special Chalica candle and talk about the ways to honor the focused principle for that week. I need volunteers to help me lead the celebration of Chalica this year! You can volunteer as an individual or as a family to light the candles, tell a story or perform a reading, etc…

Please email to let me know you’re able to help!