Watch for the zoom link to join the meeting in your email a day or two prior to the meeting
- Elect 2 members of the Board of Trustees (to serve 3 years)
- Elect a member for the Endowment Committee and a member for the Nominations and Leadership Development Committee (Both positions for 3 years)
- Elect up to 3 Delegates to represent our Congregation at 2020 General Assembly
- Adopt an Operating Budget for ’20-’21
Our By-laws stipulate that 35% of the membership must be present to conduct business at any congregational meeting
- Quorum is 40 eligible voting members to be present at our Annual Meeting
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the meeting to assure quorum
- If there is more than one member sharing a device, please make sure all present are visible to count in the quorum
- Please check in early to be included in the quorum count
- Voting will be completed following the Annual Meeting; please submit your votes by 5:00 Saturday evening (June 20th)
- Only members who attend the Annual Meeting will be sent ballots
- A link to the ballot will be sent to you via email—the same email we use to send the Zoom link
- You should have received a practice ballot Monday, June 8th via email. If you DID NOT get the link or had problems, contact Tom Peterson
Using Chat Feature
- We want to hear YOUR voice asking a question or making a comment; you will be unmuted to comment/ state your question
- To get into the lineup for speaking, just enter “???” or “Comment” or “Question” in the chat box
- You will be identified as the next speaker and unmuted in the order that your request is received
- Please DO NOT write questions or comments into the chat—it makes it difficult for the moderator to determine who is the next speaker
- Please allow others to ask their questions and to comment after you have had a turn before you speak a second time
- The proposed budget and budget explanation have been mailed to your home; there were no changes following the Town Hall meeting so the budget mailed to you is the budget you will be voting on
- Bios of members being nominated for positions are included in the Wednesday Email
- If you know IN ADVANCE that you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, the by-laws allow you to request an absentee ballot. This does not count toward quorum and is not valid if a motion is amended during the meeting. Request the absentee ballot from Carol Johnson, Secretary before 5:00 Sunday, June 14th.
~ the Board of Trustees