On September 15th, the new Religious Education season will begin. A week later, OWL begins for Kindergarten/1st and 5th/6th. We have a lot going on this fall. We appreciate the congregation’s help in carving out space for us on Sundays, with the added classes, one of which will be meeting most likely in the sanctuary starting at 12:45. For that reason, we are doing the first part of the RE year a little differently and we need to form teams of three for each regular Sunday RE session from September 15th through December 22nd (except for Whole Congregation Worship Sundays.)
We have many Sundays left where you can help, in fact it is looking a bit sparse right now. I would like all who sign up on a teaching trio to attend the Teacher Orientation on September 8th at 12 noon. Simple, non-credit background checks will also need to be completed. Teaching is fun and rewarding and this is the year to dip your toe in. Easily add your name to the Signup here or jot it on the hard copy version in the 2U lobby. I will reconcile the hard copy to the digital version every Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your help!!!
~ Jillian Post