Dear Friends,
It seems we do have folks who want to make an eclipse trip together, as I mentioned on Sunday. Several people suggested possible destinations – thank you, Russ and Phil P and Chris and Lynn A! What seems to be the best choice in terms of privacy, closeness, natural beauty and being right in the middle of the path of totality is a property owned by Tom Peterson’s stepbrother, Andrew Case. It is a large property where we can view the eclipse from an elevated deck or sit out in an open field. Andrew generously has agreed to allow us to be there for the eclipse!
The address is in the town of Steinauer, but the property is rural. I will have detailed directions on that morning or you can ask Tom for them beforehand. Tom says it is a 90 minute drive. Why don’t we meet at the church at 9:15 a.m. on Monday, August 21st and leave by 9:30, in a caravan. That should get us there at 11 a.m. The eclipse will begin at 11:30 a.m. (that’s when we can start to use our glasses!). Totality will begin at 1:03 p.m. and last for 2 minutes and 37 seconds. AMAZING THINGS WILL HAPPEN THEN.
We can all bring lunches, drinks, blankets and chairs to suit ourselves. If you want to bring food/drink to share with others – that would be great, but not necessary. I WILL PROVIDE THE MAGIC SAFETY GLASSES FOR ALL – NASA APPROVED!
As I will be gone on leave right up until that day, I will ask Tom to field questions between now and then and make any additional plans as needed. I realize that folks may choose to go elsewhere and enjoy other celebrations – that’s great! I hope to see you on Monday morning, August 21st. This will be a truly magickal experience – not to be missed! Let’s recognize and express our reverence and wonder together for the gigantic web of all existence!
~ Reverend Cyndi