News Update 1/2/13


There will be no Sunday morning meetings of Second Circle in January.  Instead, all teens and parents are invited to a movie and discussion on Sunday, January 20, at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary.   We will share food and watch the movie “Crash” together, and Rev. Scott will lead us in a discussion. (“Crash” is rated “R”, so parental permission will be expected.)  Questions to Gay Robinson Abraham.


 On Tuesday, January 8, at 1 p.m., a representative from the Omaha Public Library will tell us about the resources and services available at our libraries.  With the evolution of electronic communication, many of the old-fashioned services have become outdated and replaced by those electronic capabilities. This will be a good chance for us to catch up on how we can use the library again.  The meeting will be in the fellowship area at the back of the sanctuary.


Celebrate a Baby Shower for Reverends Scott & Sarah Gettie!  The Fellowship Committee invites friends and family to celebrate with the McNeills.  Please join in the celebration at Second Unitarian on Saturday, January 12, from 2-4  p.m. We guarantee treats, both sweet and healthy, plus congenial fellowship!  The soon-to-be parents have registered at Target and Babies R Us.  They have plenty of baby clothes from the shower given by family in Indiana.  Cash donations may be given to Judy Eller or Betty Segell.


 Join us each month on the Second Sunday from 3-5 p.m. for a Parents’ Group meeting.  Anyone parenting would be welcome to meet with us as we trade stories, lessons learned, jokes, and good resources.  We plan to read a book together to learn more about parenting.  Childcare is provided!


Second Unitarian’s Annual “Sing for Your Supper” is Saturday, January 26, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.  All talented 2U members qualify!  Polish your musical talents, poetry writing, recitation, and dramatic readings.  This is your opportunity to perform.   Audience participation is also welcome!  Please bring soup and/or dessert to share.  Fellowship will provide bread, coffee, and beverages.  Questions?  See Judy Eller or Betty Segell.


Saturday, January 26, from 9 to 11 a.m, Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) is hosting a workshop on how congregations can work together to improve the quality of life for families in our community.  Learn how to build a relational culture within our congregations, listen for issues of common concern, act together for the common good, and create a culture of participation and problem solving vs. a culture of passivity and helplessness.  The workshop is at Augustana Lutheran Church, 3647 Lafayette Avenue.  Our congregation is a founding member of OTOC.


One half of Second Unitarian’s offering received in January will go to the CERG (Central East Regional Group of the Unitarian Universalist Association) Disaster Relief Fund.  The Fund collects donations to aid UU congregations and members affected by Hurricane Sandy, providing the basics needed for people who have been displaced or are in need of emergency support.  Additional funds will assist congregations in rebuilding damage.  To nominate an organization for our Share the Plate program, visit the church website or contact the Social Justice Coordinating Council or Rev. Scott.


Lifespan Religious Growth and Learning is collecting donations for the Nebraska Humane Society.  They need blankets, towels, one-gallon Ziploc freezer bags, distilled water, clear plastic tubs, yarn, box fans, rubber-backed rugs, and more.  These items will be donated at our January Family Service Learning Project.  We will meet Sunday, January 27, at 11:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Humane Society at 90th & Fort to begin a behind-the-scenes tour. Following our tour, we will meet in their auditorium for our gathering and worship.  Contact Kirsten Stiles at or 402-334-0537 ext. 112 for more details.